Sensitive Baby Skin – What To Do
Skin care is a whole different thing when your baby is born with sensitive skin. It’s not about beautifying anymore, and it is not a simple couple-of-minute routine every day. It can turn into quite an issue.
Unfortunately, doctors do not always get the treatment right. They sometimes shrug the problem off in the hope that the baby will “grow out of it.” Other times, they prescribe medicines that can actually make things worse. In fact, the most prescribed eczema cream contains sodium lauryl sulphate and has been shown to make eczema worse, not better!
So parents often find they have to educate themselves on how to deal with dry sensitive skin. My advice is avoid to all products that contain detergents, fragrances and alcohol, and to try single, high-quality organic products like jojoba oil, or coconut oil, or shea butter, to see which ones give the relief you need.
I was put in mind of this problem by an article I read on WatertownPatch in which a mother describes her experience with her baby who was born with eczema, and what worked for her. She details a really helpful way to make your own non-toxic baby wipes based on jojoba oil and oatmeal. Well worth checking out here because the same recipe will work for grown up faces and hands, too.