3 At-Home Recipes for Natural Skin Care | Defy Your Age | Prevention.com
Why does skin look duller as we age? For one, fluctuating hormone levels during perimenopause promote the buildup of sticky dead cells in your pores. Later, as hormone levels decline, your skin’s natural turnover cycle slows down. Dry skin flakes aren’t sloughed off as readily, which leads to a dull, sometimes ashen appearance.
Check out these 3 recipes for home-made exfoliants – a citrus mask, a tomato exfoliator, and a cinnamon cleanser. Directions for how to make and use them are included in Prevention’s post at the link above. They will be especially useful for anyone with extra dry skin and the build-up of dead cells that usually goes with it. The article tells you how these exfoliants work, from the point of view of the active ingredients, and the really good news is that you don’t have to pay fancy skincare prices for them. You’ll find the ingredients right in your own kitchen.