Cucumber — The Green Skin Care Magician — Organic Makeup and Skin Care
I saw a commercial today touting the latest “skin care” innovation with a cucumber “essence”. Got me thinking – if an essence of cucumber is supposed to be so powerful, why not go for the source? The best organic cucumber skin care product is readily available in your local organic produce aisle. Next time you’re shopping, just pick an extra one, and experiment.
Here is a terrific post about cucumber’s beauty benefits, both applied topically onto the skin, as well as taken internally. Cucumber juice is especially helpful.
I agree totally with the idea that skin care “breakthroughs” are usually not all that new, and that a really direct way to get their benefits is often simply by buying produce in the supermarket, rather than paying a fortune for tiny amounts of them in skin care products. You might like the rest of the site, too. Well worth checking out.