Essential U Blog: The Dangers of Dictating Legislation on Belief Systems & Fear
It has been said that those that don’t know history are doomed to repeat it. Such is the case with the efforts of the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics (CFSC) and the Environmental Working Groups (EWG) efforts to shape regulations and laws based on fear. They have a complete lack of science and understanding of the cosmetic industry. Out of either pure distortion of facts or ignorance the CFSC and EWG have forced upon our industry another fight for the very existence of our businesses with H.R. 2359, The Safe Cosmetics Act 2011.
Check out this post if you are interested in freedom of choice in cosmetics and skin care, and if you want your choices to be informed by science, and not by scare-mongering. There is enough fear and craziness in government already. We do not need any more of it.